Published/Accepted Papers
- On the \(W^2_p\) estimate for oblique derivative problems of second order elliptic equations. (With H. Dong) Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, (5):3602-3635, 2022. arxiv, Journal.
- Optimal Regularity for a Dirichlet-Conormal Problem in Reifenberg Flat Domain. (With J. Choi and H. Dong) Appl. Math. Optim., 83(3):1547-1583, 2021. arxiv, Journal
- Classical solutions of oblique derivative problem in nonsmooth domains with mean Dini coefficients. (With H. Dong) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 373(7) : 4975-4997, 2020. arxiv, Journal
- Norm inflation for the Boussinesq system. (With W. Wang) Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 26(10):5449-5463, 2021. arxiv, Journal
- The Dirichlet-conormal problem with homogeneous and inhomogeneous boundary conditions. (With H. Dong) Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 46(3):470–497, 2021. arxiv, Journal
- The conormal and Robin boundary value problems in nonsmooth domains satisfying a measure condition. (With H. Dong) J. Funct. Anal., 281(9):Paper No. 109167, 32, 2021. arxiv, Journal
- Optimal regularity of mixed Dirichlet conormal boundary value problems for parabolic operators. (With J. Choi and H. Dong) SIAM J. Math. Anal., 54(2):1393-1427, 2022. arxiv, Journal
- Quantitative unique continuation for Robin boundary value problems on C1,1 domains. (With W. Wang) Indiana Univ. Math. J., 72(4):1429–1460, 2023. arxiv, Journal
- Mixed boundary value problems for parabolic equations in Sobolev spaces with mixed-norms. (With J. Choi and H. Dong) Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations., 62(1): Paper No. 5, 2023. arxiv, Journal
- The Dirichlet-conormal problem for the heat equation with inhomogeneous boundary conditions. (With H. Dong) Adv. Math., , 411: Paper No. 108777, 2022. arxiv, Journal
- Asymptotics of harmonic functions in the absence of monotonicity formulas. In Extended Abstracts, 2021/2022, Trends in Mathematics, vol 3, pages 125 – 131. Birkhäuser, 2024. arxiv, Book Chapter
- On the uniqueness of variable coefficient Schr"odinger equations. (With S. Federico and X. Yu) Commun. Contemp. Math., 27(3), 2025. arxiv, Journal
- Asymptotic expansions for harmonic functions at conical boundary points. (With D. Kriventsov) To appear in Rev. Mat. Iberoam. arxiv
- Unique continuation on Robin problems with non-smooth potentials. J. Funct. Anal., 288(6):Paper No. 110811, 2025. arxiv, Journal